Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Basic Guide to Google Search Engine Optimization SEO

 Learn Search Engine Optimization

  1. How SEO works?
    1. Crawling
    2. Indexing
    3. Ranking
  2. Objectives of SEO:
    1. Indexation
    2. Ranking & Traffic
    3. Backlinks
  3. Indexation
    1. Integrating or checking your website is integrated with GA & GW (Google Search Console)
    2. Every website has got sitemap; www.domainname.com/sitemap.xml
    3. Ping URL
  4. Ranking & Traffic
    1. Keyword Research
      1. Seed Kwds
      2. Google Keyword Planner Tool / Neilpatel.com / Google Suggestions / Answerthepublic.com / Mergewords.com
    2. Content Strategy
      1. A Table of Content or Outline to be planned
    3. On-page Optimization
      1. Integrating Keywords in your Content strategy & making your content readable by user than just for Google SEO purpose
      2. On-page Optimization Checklist
        1. Favicon
        2. Whatever the page is;
          1. Keywords are used in the landing page URL
          2. Meta Tags
            1. Meta Title - 40 - 65 char - 
              1. Primary keywords - Brand Name
              2. Primary Keywords, Secondary Keywords
              3. Primary Keywords, USPs
              4. Primary Keywords (, - |) 
            2. Meta Description - below 165 char
              1. Problem, Solution & Outcome
              2. Be specific and try to add some value point (use the keywords)
          3. Headline
            1. H1 - use the keywords effectively, don't write a general statement
            2. H2
            3. H3
          4. Hyperlink (Alt Text) - Keyword with a link
          5. Any Image - Image Alt tag (it has to be a keyword), <100KB
          6. Styling
            1. Bold
            2. Italic
            3. Centre Alignment
            4. Colors or Font Types to your text
            5. Quote Text
        3. Website architecture - simple & within 1-2 clicks the customer should reach the specific page
        4. Breadcrumbs - eCom site
        5. Sitemap.xml (spider to index all your pages easily)
        6. Robots.txt (to block any pages to be indexed by Google)
        7. 301 Redirection to your home page 
          1. in any one format, the website home page should open
        8. 404 Error Page - Broken Links - www.deadlinkchecker.com
        9. Duplicate Content - www.copyscape.com or www.siteliner.com
        10. Mobile-Friendly - Mobile responsive
        11. Pagespeed (less than 3 -5 sec)
        12. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages- today all website should have AMP Pages
          1. Please convert your website purely into an HTML format
          2. thunder icon in the mobile search

        13. When you create a website;
          1. Desktop Format
          2. Mobile Format
          3. AMP Format - text format - not following - mobile platform
        14. Technical SEO
          1. Inline CSS
          2. Schema & Rich Snippet - additional info continued with your ads in organic results - https://technicalseo.com/tools/schema-markup-generator/ 
          3. Canonical - avoiding duplicate content of one page in other pages within your website
          4. 301 Redirection
        15. Blog Strategy with Internal Linking
        16. Linkbuilding
          1. DoFollow or NoFollow 
            1. DoFollow - sharing your backlink strength (We all do expect more of DOFOLLOW to help our keyword rank)
            2. NoFollow - sharing your backlink strength
  5. Four (4) Important things to succeed in SEO;
    1. On-page Optimization
      1. Blog Strategy
    2. Technical SEO
    3. Linkbuilding Activities
    4. Google Local Listings